Friday, January 26, 2007

Who is this Trefor?

For those that are wondering who my co-worker Trefor is and why I would put him in my list of things I love I just wanted to clarify. Trefor is my unofficial personal assistant and IT guy. Someday when I'm rich and famous we'll make that all official but until then he works for Tim Horton's coffee and the occasional soda. Now I have to admit that I didn't add his name there and didn't notice it was there for nearly a month, but I think it fitting to stay even though if you were to look at Trefor's list my name didn't make it but my husband's sure

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

How sad is being an adult......

How sad is that we bought new plates and I'm finding it a highlight to my week? Once upon a time, back in the day, if someone had bought me dishes as a gift I would have scoffed and thought it lame. Now I'm totally stoked at the sight of cutlery and kitchen appliances. Oh how times have

Friday, January 12, 2007

Thursday, January 11, 2007

You know it's time to move to Cuba when.......

The big storm was expected for Tuesday night around midnight. They estimated 70km per hour winds and 10cm of snow. It was the wind that would be the killer, blowing snow off the fields and onto the roadways. It actually didn't hit us until around 7am Wednesday. Man did it ever hit us! We have been completely snowed in until today. There were snowdrifts on the main road that were over 7 feet tall! The plow even had a hard time getting through. Luckily we were able to flag him down and asked him if he could do our driveway. He's an hourly worker, so thank goodness he was happy to spend the extra time on our Check out the photo of the kids at the swing set. No, that is not a "special" swing set for little people!

Saturday, January 6, 2007

Worst cake I've ever made

Every year I try to make each of the kids a "special" Birthday cake. Now I'm the first to admit that I'm no Marth Stewart but I've usually pulled off a pretty decent cake for each of the kids. For our youngest daughter's Birthday I baked a princess cake. It was pretty cute, it had a big cake dress and a Barbie sticking out of the top. Our oldest said she wanted the same but a "punk rock" version for her 16th. I have no idea what this is...but this is what I made...more of a Barbie in a melted old tire cake....Happy Birthday Sweetheart!